Thursday, March 1, 2012

Board Games - Shopping - Toys

When we say the word game we automatically think of children and children's games, but if we look at all the different types of games available there are just as many games for adults as there are for kids. Take board games for example, there are hundreds upon hundreds of board games, of course many are suited for children but a lot of them are for adults as well. Let's take a look at some of the board games out there today.

Scrabble - this board game is for all ages but generally speaking it is the last choice a child would pick. Scrabble is about having a set of letters, you then have to create words from your letters on the board, and you are allocated points depending on the words you can create. The player with the most points wins the game. There is a kiddie version of Scrabble but they can just as easily play the original version, this game is great to get the brain working and its fun too.

Hungry Hippos - this board game is definitely for children and is a lot of fun. The game consists of four hippos on a board in each corner. A lever is attached to their mouths which you control, when the game begins a handful of small balls is let go in the middle and by actioning their mouths you have to get as many balls as possible, the person with the most balls wins. Kids love this game and it's a great game to play for 4 people.

Guess Who - a classic board game. With this game each player is given a board and on the board is a selection of characters. Each player picks a character and the other person has to guess which character they have picked, they do this by a process of elimination asking questions such as 'does your character have red hair?' if they say no so you discard all the characters with red hair, this is done until the player can accurately guess the correct character.


1 comment:

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