Friday, April 6, 2012

Board Games Used for Crafts? - Hobbies - Crafts

When I was little I used to play Candy Land all the time along with Checkers and Uno. I loved playing board games because who doesn't? If you're a child or a grown up board games are always fun. And if you're an adult, it's always fun to be a kid again.

I was looking for some neat crafts that I could share with our readers and I finally found something that is so intriguing. I found this site called and it has all these really neat crafting ideas. What caught my eye was a board game. Did you know you can use old boardgames to make crafts? This is such a great idea, I'm so glad I can share this with you.

Out of a game board, scissors, hole punch, and a shoelace you can create a sewing practice card for kids or adults. All you need to do is:

1. Cut a rectangle or a square (or any shape) from a game box or board.2. Punch holes in it at regular intervals.3. Using a large shoelace that has been knotted at one end, have the kids practice sewing.

You can make a file box with a game or puzzle box, scissors, and colorful tape. You need to:

1. Stand a game box on its side and sketch a slanted line all the way around one corner of it. Disassemble the box and cut along the lines of both the lid and the base.2. Reassemble the box (discarding the corner). Stand it on its side again and cut off the top.3. Tape the edges together to create trim.

I love these ideas. It inspired me to think of some more. You can make birthday cards out of Uno cards as they have the number on there which is perfect for an age. A scrapbook page can be made out of any game. Candy Land can make for a pretty fun page since it has so many fun graphics on it. My favorite idea is to make something using the letters from the game Scrabble. You can make cards, scrapbook pages or even kids crafts with these.

Go ahead, use your imagination and create something unusual out of an old board game. A fun game on our site is kids' tic tac toe. If you're looking to reuse old items such as magazines, check out the top 10 crafts with magazines.

Another game I grew up with was called spoons. It's not a craft, but a great family game to play. Let's say you have five players. You gather around a table, round or square and put out four spoons stratigically placed in the middle of the table. Everyone gets six or seven playing cards. There's one dealer who starts the game. The point of the game is to get rid of all your cards before anyone else does. In order to win the game you have to have four of a kind and grab a spoon. The one person who does not get a spoon gets an "S". Whoever spells out spoon first loses.

Dealer picks up the first card, if he doesn't want it he passes it face down to the left for the next player to look at. Dealer then picks up the next card while everyone passes the cards to the left and so on. You have to have the same amount of cards in your hand at all times. Once someone gets four of a kind they reach for a spoon. You can do this quietly so no one notices you are grabbing a spoon or you can be loud about it. It's more fun when you are quiet about it because sometimes that last person has no idea all the spoons have been grabbed. SPOONS! Have fun!


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